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Gastric Bypass in Tijuana

The ultimate guide to Gastric Bypass in Tijuana

Last fact-checked: 4 October 2020

Find out about undergoing a gastric bypass in Tijuana with Medical Departures.

As one of the most popular weight-loss surgeries, our team can help you find a specialist surgeon in this Mexican border city who can help you turn your life around. 

Why have a Gastric Bypass in Tijuana?

Being overweight is a growing problem, not just in the US, but throughout the Western world, with the American Journal of Medicine reporting that more than one-third of American adults are now obese.

This means that more people are looking at weight loss surgery as a means of shedding their excess weight by way of controlling their calorie intake.

For a gastric bypass, Tijuana is an accessible location, especially for North Americans who are able to drive across the border from Northern California. This is a huge plus point, as patients undergoing this surgery abroad would normally need to wait much longer (allowing time for recovery) before boarding a flight home. The ability to drive (or be driven) cuts this time away from home significantly. 

Tijuana has embraced medical tourism, and there are excellent quality hospitals that cater specifically for international patients, as well as doctors who speak fluent English and are trained to the highest standards.

Many of these doctors are aware that international patients may be uncertain about the quality, and so they try to put people at ease by ensuring they have verifiable qualifications. Thus, it won’t be unusual to find your bariatric surgeon in Tijuana is a member of the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, as well as international organizations, such as the International Federation of Surgery for Obesity.

Finding a Bariatric Specialist in Tijuana

While safe and fairly routine, deciding to undertake any weight loss surgery (also called bariatric surgery) is a huge decision, especially if it is impacting your life and affecting your health.

As such, it is imperative to do your own research to ensure you are indeed booking in with a reputable surgeon.

Medical Departures makes this whole process much easier with our website. Our Tijuana listings include everything you need to know, including doctor qualifications, professional memberships and real patient testimonials that have all been verified by us. Clinic photos, virtual tours, maps and other information can give you a true overview and the peace of mind you need to make an informed choice.

What Does a Gastric Bypass Procedure Involve and How Long Will I Need to Stay in Tijuana?

Gastric bypass operations are usually carried out under a general anesthetic. Some may take only an hour, and others a little longer depending on how easily the surgeon is able to access your stomach. 

After your anesthetic has been administered, the surgery is performed laparoscopically. Instead of large incisions being made across the abdomen, several small cuts are made in strategic areas where the laparoscope is inserted. This is a long, thin tube through which cameras and other operating equipment can be inserted and the surgeon can perform the operation by looking at your insides on a monitor without having to open you up.

Your stomach will be divided and a small pouch made at the top by stapling it. This pouch is connected to the small intestine at the bottom. As a result, when food enters and exits the pouch it bypasses the main stomach and most of the small intestine.

The pouch is a lot smaller than the stomach so you will feel fuller more quickly and won’t be able to eat as much. As a result, you physically won't be able to eat as many calories, which encourages significant weight loss.

What Is the Recovery Time for a Gastric Bypass?

Following surgery, do note the following:

  • You’ll be in hospital Tijuana for between two and five days.
  • You will not be allowed to eat for several days to give your digestive system a little time to recover. After that, foods can be introduced gradually – just liquids at first, then graduating to liquidized food, then soft food before going back to solids.
  • It may take a couple of months to feel yourself again. Your body is undergoing a huge change, and you may feel tired and depressed until it gets used to the new regime.
  • You will need to stay in Tijuana for around 2 weeks and be prepared to be monitored regularly with blood tests to ensure everything is going to plan.

What Is the Cost of a Gastric Bypass in Tijuana Compared to the United States or Canada?

In Tijuana, a gastric bypass is about a third of the price at $7,500 (CAD $9,500; GBP £5,000; €6,400; AUD $10,200) compared to $24,000 (CAD $32,000; GBP £16,000; €21,000; AUD $32,000) in the United States.

Please note: these are approximate figures calculated at the time of writing. Check out some of the latest prices on offer, as well as photos, reviews and surgeon profiles at these top facilities in Tijuana for gastric bypass surgery:

How Do I Book?

Find out more about our quality-checked gastric bypass facilities in Tijuana.

To book your surgery in Tijuana, follow the steps on our site to secure the best prices online, as well as 24/7 support. You can also book by getting in touch with our Customer Care Team via the toll-free number provided 


American Journal of Medicine. Website accessed: 4 October 2020. 

American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery. Website accessed: 4 October 2020.

International Federation of Surgery for Obesity. Website accessed: 4 October 2020.

Gastric bypass surgery. Medline Plus. 21 June 2018.

Tijuana. Lonely Planet. Website accessed: 4 October 2020.

This article is meant for information purposes only and is not intended to be medical advice or instructions for medical diagnosis or treatment. Please consult with your doctor or a qualified medical professional before starting or changing medical treatment.

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