Are you wondering where to travel to see a tummy tuck surgeon? Penang is an ideal destination for medical tourism. Let's discover why a trip to this Malaysian destination is such a great idea.

The City Is Completely Safe

Malaysia is a very safe country overall. Penang especially is a peaceful city with almost zero danger. Petty crime is extremely rare, and violent crime almost non-existent. There is also very little traffic, which is in sharp contrast to many other Southeast Asia cities. You are highly unlike to be in an accident or to have trouble crossing the road. Furthermore, you will find that the tap water is drinkable and that there is very little chance of getting food poisoning from local meals.

The Infrastructure Is Modern

Penang is a very developed and modern city. Walking its streets will make you feel just like you're at home. Don't expect any run down sidewalks or other infrastructure that looks decades out of date. On top of this, you will find that there are no power outages and the internet works well.

The English Language Ability Is Outstanding

Another contrast to the rest of Asia is the English language ability. Most people you come across can speak good English. These make your day to day interactions very straightforward and easy. When spending time in a clinic you will find that the staff and doctors are completely fluent in the language.

The Surgeons Are World-Class

There some top tummy tuck surgeons in Malaysia . While it's recommended that you do your own independent research when selecting one, Medical Departures can confidently recommend Dr. Louis Leh . He runs the Leh Clinic and has 31 years experience as a medical practitioner. During this time he has established a renowned reputation as one of the best in Malaysia. He is also a member of many prestigious medical organizations and was previously the president of the Malaysian Society of Aesthetic Medicine.

The Prices Are Amazing

Tummy tuck prices are very low in Penang. This is the main factor in people's decision to get one done in Malaysia. An approximate price comparison between Penang and other countries can be seen below. Just find your country on the list and remember that all prices shown are in your home currency.

Australia: A tummy tuck costs $11,000 in Australia, compared to $4,800 in Penang. This is a saving of $6,200.

New Zealand: A tummy tuck costs $12,000 in New Zealand, compared to $5,000 in Penang. This is a saving of $7,000.

UK: A tummy tuck costs £6,500 in the UK, compared to £2,800 in Penang. This is a saving of £3,700.

USA: A tummy tuck costs $8,200 in the US, compared to $3,700 in the US. This is a saving of $4,500.

Don't Wait Any Longer

Don't put off a visit to a tummy tuck surgeon. Penang is the perfect location to get your physique transformed. Your youth and confidence will be restored. So what are you waiting for? Take an amazing medical tourism trip to Malaysia.