Medically called an ‘Abdominosplasty’, tummy tuck is a major surgery that can be performed on both men and women. The procedure is long and complex and it is usually very expensive to undergo a procedure like a tummy tuck. Penang in Malaysia has many high-quality clinics that offer effective tummy tuck procedures to get rid of loose and flabby skin, tighten the stomach and reduce stretch marks.

Malaysia is a fantastic medical destination popular for its natural beauty, rich cultural and historic attractions, and a modern and convenient lifestyle. This amazing country has outstanding hospitals that offer different procedures in multiple fields and has a number of specialized clinics for plastic surgery. These clinics and hospitals have highly-skilled doctors with accreditations from western institutions.

Leh Clinic is one of the best facilities in Penang, Malaysia providing beauty aesthetics for the face, skin and body to local and foreign patients. The clinic, which is under the supervision of Dr Louis Leh, uses ‘less-invasive’ techniques and treatments to perform safe and effective procedures.

The clinic is also known for its consultation-based service. This allows them time for a discussion of patients’ goals and aspirations. They create a personalized treatment plan for each individual patient. Patients are advised on the best options to achieve the desired results.

To meet patients’ expectations, Leh Clinic uses advanced technology and innovative materials to provide the best outcome for all medical surgeries. The clinic provides a wide range of face and body treatments. Among the procedures are Botox, dermal fillers, lasers, chemical peels, and radiofrequency treatments. They also specialize in body treatments to treat excessive sweating, stretch marks, loose and sagging skin, stubborn fat pockets and treatments to tighten, lift and rejuvenate skin.

More and more patients have experienced high-quality services in Leh Clinic. Here is a positive Tummy Tuck Review from one of its patients, Yen Yen.

“Dr.Leh is very professional and always patient with my incessant questions. He is extremely knowledgeable, and always jovial and polite. He made me feel safe during the procedures, and has been accessible for any follow-up questions/concerns I have post-consultations. The clinic staff, both of them, has always been warm and smiley, and made me feel comfortable right from the beginning.”

As with most medical procedures the Tummy Tuck Cost in Malaysia is considerably lower than in most other countries.


New Zealand



Tummy Tuck





Due to the increasing demand for aesthetic surgeries, patients visit other countries to get more affordable aesthetic surgeries such as a tummy tuck. Penang , which is located in Malaysia, is one of the best options to undergo the said procedure. If you are from Australia or New Zealand, it would be a great opportunity for you.