What bigger lips? Fly to Indonesia! If you want affordable lip enhancement, Denpasar is the place to be. The city is the capital of the island of Bali, one of Indonesia’s most popular holiday locations. But what type of lip enhancement should you opt for? In the following paragraphs, we talk about affordable lip enhancement in Denpasar as well as the various types of lip enhancements that you can get in Bali.

Save 90% on Lip Enhancement in Bali

Yes, you read that right. In Denpasar, Bali, you can save up to 90% and get your desired lip size. The average cost of lip enhancement in Australia and New Zealand is AUD $3,800 and NZD $4,160, whereas the average lip enhancement price in Denpasar is AUD $380 and NZD $416. And this is the lip enhancement costs even in a top clinic like Rejuvie Aesthetic Anti Aging .

And don’t fall for the myth that low-cost procedures imply low quality. Nothing can be further from the truth. Indonesia is a popular destination for medical tourism and people from countries like Australia and New Zealand are flying there in increasing numbers for all sorts of medical and cosmetic procedures. The main reason is that these patients are finding the same level of medical and surgical quality that they get in their countries, only cheaper. And in the case of lip enhancement, well, you have already seen the discount that you can get.

Types of Lip Enhancement

Basically, lip enhancement is performed to create fuller and plumper lips. The most common method of lip enhancement is the use of injectable dermal fillers, which are available in a wide variety.

Some are injected directly into the lips while others are injected in other areas of the mouth. Nowadays, dermal fillers that have substances similar to hyaluronic acid are usually used for lip enhancement. The reason is that hyaluronic acid occurs naturally in the body and it helps to increase lip volume. That is why dermal fillers for lip enhancement are also sometimes called ‘hyaluronic acid fillers’. These fillers are also safer and last longer than substances like collagen or even fat injections.

Before signing up for lip enhancement in Denpasar, consult your surgeon about the process and the possible side effects. Most surgeons in Indonesia are fluent in English, and some of them have even been trained in the west.

Look at Before and After Photos

During your research, be sure to look at before and after photos of lip enhancement. This will help you in two ways. Firstly, you will know what to expect from the procedure, and secondly, you will also get to see the previous work of potential surgeons. A qualified and experienced surgeon will help you achieve the desired volume, shape, and structure of your lips.

Remember the effects of dermal fillers last up to six months, after which you will need a follow-up procedure. If you plan in advance, you can fly again to Indonesia for a vacation after six months and get affordable lip enhancement in Denpasar.