If you’re holidaying in Penang, you may want to give your face a bit of a boost and go home looking younger and more relaxed, which you can do with filler injections. Clinics in Penang offering this service cost less than they do at home, so find out more with Medical Departures.

Filler injections are usually used to remove wrinkles and fine lines that have been brought about by aging. International patients go to Malaysia to get affordable anti-aging solutions. This is why filler injections clinics in Penang are becoming even more popular. The area itself is a popular tourist destination with so many activities on offer, which makes it even more ideal to get the injections while you are on holiday and relaxed.

Dermal fillers are either permanent or non-permanent depending on the product used. There are 3 main types of fillers available:

Hyaluronic Acid Dermal Fillers

Hyaluronic Acid is easily accepted by the body as it occurs naturally in the body as well. It is not permanent and the results may disappear after 6 to 12 months. Patients can have a top-up when fading starts.

Synthetic Dermal Fillers

This is giving a longer lasting effect because of the synthetic ingredients in the product; however allergic reactions may be experienced by some patients. Some of these fillers can be permanent and care must be exercised when administering the fillers to prevent disfigurement.

Collagen Dermal Fillers

Certain brands include animal collagen and patients should have an allergy test before using this type of dermal filler. There is also a hybrid brand containing cow collagen and plastic spheres. The results are short-lived and last for around 1 month.

Filler injections are relatively affordable with minimal downtime and injected to replace the collagen that we lose as we age. Dermal fillers are also used to enhance the contours of the face as well as to add plumpness for thin lips.

In some cases this can be used in conjunction with Botox.

Dermal fillers have little downtime and give virtually instantaneous results, and here’s an idea of the kind of prices dermal fillers cost in Penang:







$ 939.00

$ 1,295.00

$ 1,179.00


$ 338.00

$ 466.00

$ 425.00






















At Medical Departures, we always provide international patients with a list of clinics that is up-to-date and offer quality procedures. These clinics in Penang have been verified and have been visited to make sure that the credentials they hold are legitimate. We recommend the following 3 facilities.

1. Leh Clinic

The Leh Clinic applies the art of science and aesthetics in order to meet the goals and aspirations of their patients. They focus on giving treatments that are designed to be minimally invasive and with no downtime so that patients can continue with their daily activities within a short period. Their popular treatments are Botox and dermal fillers to minimize wrinkles and other signs of aging.

2. Union Rejuvenation

The Union Rejuvenation Clinic has been operating since 2014. The clinic’s staff is dedicated to providing each patient with treatments that are customized according to their own preference.

3. Regen Clinic

Located in the multi-culturally rich capital George Town, patients can find the Regen Clinic. The clinic specializes in using regenerative services that promote repair, renewal and growth of the cells. They use Platelet Rich Plasma in order to help the body trigger the healing and renewal process which is especially helpful in combating aging, hair loss, scar revision and even improve the mobility of aging knees.

If patients want faster treatments with quality results then these filler injections clinics in Penang are the best places to get a quality procedure. Come revive yourself in Penang and enjoy the new younger-looking you.