If you are interested in having a flatter and more toned stomach but find that exercise and diet are not giving you the look you desire, then a tummy tuck might be the answer. The high cost can be a problem, but when Tijuana’s clinics charge around 50% less than what you have to pay at home, surgery here can be an affordable way to trim your tummy.

What is the Cost of a Tummy Tuck in Tijuana?

The cost of a Tummy Tuck in Tijuana is around 50% cheaper than at home:


US $


UK £



NZ $

Cost of Tummy Tuck Treatment - Home







Cost of Tummy Tuck Treatment - Tijuana







How Long Will I Need to Stay in Tijuana for the Procedure?

The surgery is usually performed as an outpatient, so normally only an overnight stay is required. After the surgery, it is recommended that you take it easy for at least two weeks to ensure that there are no complications post-surgery. This can be done in a hotel or other accommodation. Some patients return home within a few days, with their surgeon’s consent, as they healed more quickly

Why Should I Choose Tijuana?

Tijuana is a convenient location for international travelers as both Tijuana and San Diego airports are within easy reach. It is also easily accessible by car for those living in the Southwestern United States. Tijuana even has a Medical Lane at the border, so medical tourists who are driving can obtain a Fast Pass from their doctor and thus avoid long waits at the Border.

Medical tourism is popular in Tijuana not only because the prices are low but also because the quality is high. These days, Medical tourism is big business, and many facilities cater specifically to medical tourists, so they are contemporary, modern and equipped with all the latest technologies. You will discover a lot of competition between medical providers, so they deliver on quality. If they don’t, patients will give bad references or just opt to go elsewhere when they have additional treatments.

That said, you should always do your research when thinking about surgery outside your home country. Have a look online, shortlist some clinics and use everything at your disposal to find out what you can about surgeons and facilities.

If you don’t know where to start, Medical Departures can help. We check all our listed clinics legal or criminal records and do onsite visits. Our checks also include verifying doctor qualifications and professional memberships, which you can see under each listing on our site, as well as other useful information like patient reviews, before & after photos, maps and prices. This can help you to make an informed choice, or at the very least give you an idea of what to look for.

These are some clinics in Tijuana that have had excellent reviews to start you off on your search:

The Bottom Line

A tummy tuck in Tijuana can help you achieve the figure you want. It is definitely an option to consider, as the combination of international standard care and low prices are hard to beat. Feel free to get in touch with our Customer Care Team when you are ready to book your trip, or you can conveniently book online with us as well.


What Should I Expect During my Tummy Tuck Recovery? American Society of Plastic Surgeons. https://www.plasticsurgery.org/cosmetic-procedures/tummy-tuck/recovery

Walker, Tim. Tijuana's Medical Tourism Gets a Facelift Enticing More Americans in for Cheap Luxury Surgery. Independent. 15 April 2016. https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/tijuanas-medical-tourism-gets-a-facelift-enticing-more-americans-in-for-cheap-luxury-surgery-a6985516.html