Say goodbye to stretch marks and excess skin with a Tummy tuck! Bali medical facilities specialize in this.

Many people are striving for a flat and well-toned abdomen through exercise and weight control. However, sometimes these techniques are not enough to achieve that desired goal. Luckily, there is another way for reducing the width of one’s waistline and flatten the stomach. This is through a tummy tuck. Bali is providing this procedure to international patients.

Are you wondering how you can remove excess skin and tighten your abdominal skin? Often, these thing, as well as the appearance of stretch marks, particularly beneath the line of the navel, can be dramatically improved – if not eliminated by abdominoplasty. Bali may be new to medical tourism, but this does prevent this Indonesian island paradise from providing quality services to local and foreign clients.

Tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin and tightens up loose muscles. In most cases, abdominoplasty restores weakened or separated muscles creating a profile of the abdomen that is much smoother and firmer. Everyone can develop an abdomen with loose and sagging skin. This is commonly caused by aging, genetics, pregnancy, prior surgery and even fluctuations in weight. In a full tummy tuck, a long incision is made above the pubic area and a shorter one near the belly button, so this can be moved. The skin is separated from the abdominal wall and the muscles pulled tight and sutured. The excess skin is also pulled tight, the excess removed and the remainder stitched back into place.

If you are looking for a well-known and trusted facility offering a holistic approach to world class healthcare, health education and research, BIMC Hospital Nusa provides the perfect solution. This facility has a number of dedicated and highly skilled medical staffs who give priority to patients’ safety and comfort, providing patients with high-quality services. BIMC is a modern facility that offers the following medical treatments:

  • Breast Augmentation
  • Eyelid Surgery
  • Neck Lift
  • Abdominoplasty

BIMC meets internationally-recognized hygiene and safety protocols and utilizes state-of-the-art facilities to provide accurate diagnoses and treatment plans to its patients. Compared to those costs charged at home, the payment for this kind of procedure in Bali can be 70% cheaper than in most countries around the world.

If you want to book an appointment and want to know more about getting a tummy tuck in Bali, you can contact us here at Medical Departures. We can schedule your appointment online without any payment and provide you with choices for hotels near your desired medical clinic. We are ready to respond to any of your questions.

Having a tummy tuck can boost your self-confidence and improve the way your clothes fit. Tummy tuck surgery is a good choice for you if you are bothered by the feeling that your tummy is too large. Why delay and wait, get a Tummy tuck. Bali surgeons are waiting to change your appearance to a younger more healthy looking you .