Want an Eyebrow Lift? Review Penang and Its Amazing Line-up of Clinics

Penang, Malaysia, has everything that tourists desire in a destination. From natural beauty to amazing architecture, and from street art to food hawkers, you get it all in this multi-cultural hub of Malaysia. In the last couple of years, Penang has also become a top medical tourism destination, particularly for those seeking affordable cosmetic procedures like eyebrow lift surgery. If you also want an eyebrow lift, review Penang and its burgeoning tourism industry.

Penang for Eyebrow Lift

Why Penang? As already stated, Penang is a beautiful vacation spot, which makes it an ideal location for those seeking to enhance their own beauty through cosmetic procedures. But more than that, getting an eyebrow lift in Penang is affordable and convenient. There are exceptional eyebrow lift clinics that offer safe and reliable surgical procedures at amazing prices. Local surgeons are also skilled and experienced.

Eyebrow Lift Cost in Penang

The primary reason why medical tourists go to countries like Malaysia is the lower cost of medical and cosmetic services. When it comes to eyebrow lift in Penang, you will not believe how much money you can save!

The average cost of eyebrow lift in Penang in Australia and New Zealand is AUD $14,200 and NZD $15,000, whereas you can get the same procedure in this Malaysian state for as low as AUD $1300 and NZD $1378. This gives you a 90% discount, which is simply phenomenal!

As you well know, eyebrow lift is a cosmetic procedure, which means it will not be covered by insurance unless there is some therapeutic benefit involved. For instance, an eyebrow lift may be required as part of a wider treatment for improving a patient’s vision, in which case some coverage can be expected. But as a strict cosmetic procedure, you will have to bear the cost through your personal funds.

So why not get the procedure done in Penang, where you are saving thousands of dollars even after factoring travel expenses? You will not a better deal. However, the price benefit is only worth it if you find a reputed and registered clinic for facelift.

Best Clinics in Penang for Eyebrow Lift

The top two clinics for eyebrow lift in Penang are:

These clinics are luxurious cosmetic centers designed for your maximum comfort and privacy. As a reliable eyebrow lift review will reveal, these facilities are run by the top surgeons of Penang, which means you are in safe hands here. These are ideal locations to recover after surgery as well. All in all, getting an eyebrow lift in Penang is a great idea as far as affordability, accessibility, and reliability is concerned.

Convenience is also a major factor, since waiting times at cosmetic clinics in Penang are short. If some physical tests are required, they will happen on the same day as the surgery.

For all these reasons and more, if you want get an eyebrow lift, review Penang and the top clinics in this beautiful Malaysian city. To book an appointment, or to ask any questions about eyebrow lifts in Penang, get in touch with our Customer Care Team.