To give yourself the best possible outcome while considering a breast enlargement procedure in Bali ,some thorough preparation is compulsory. Although cosmetic surgery is commonplace, it is easy to forget that it is still a surgical procedure and, as with all surgical procedures, there is a risk (albeit small) that you do not get the outcome you expect. All of us are individuals and our bodies react differently. We can never predict that a surgery will be 100% successful. To minimize your risk you can prepare well.

1: Choose good quality

This should be first on your list. Medical tourists are typically drawn to locations because of the prices, but do not be persuaded by the lowest prices available. If you have decided on a location, the next thing to do is choose a reliable clinic. The BIMC Hospital Nusa Dua is one of the top facilities on Bali, treating international patients for some twenty years. This hospital is a specialist cosmetic surgery clinic equipped with the latest technologies, comfortable patient areas and staffed with skilled medical professionals.

The comparison prices for breast enlargement in Bali compared to other countries is in the table below:



NZ $

UK £


US $


Breast Enlargement Price – Home







Breast Enlargement Price – Bali







As the prices are around a third of those at home, we recommend you choose a good-quality hotel or serviced apartment for your post-surgery. You should be as comfortable as possible, which will speed your recovery.

2: Pack Suitable Clothing

Bring loose tops that you can put on and take off easily. Do not forget that lifting your arms may be difficult, so anything you can step into, or button up, will make getting dressed less demanding.

It is recommended to wear soft, non-wired bras for around a month after surgery. If you do not have anyone to help you, front fastening will be best - and not to disturb the stitches or wounds, make sure they are loose around the breasts.

3: Stock up on essentials from the pharmacy

  • Cleansing wipes

  • Saline solution for wound cleaning

  • Cotton pads for applying solution

  • Arnica for bruising and wound healing

  • Cooling gel pads

4: Other useful items for post-surgery recovery

  • Drinking straws (preferably bendy ones) so you do not have to sit up

  • Healthy snacks, particularly nuts, which are high in protein and good for healing the skin

  • Fruit to boost the immune system

  • Small bottles of water

5: Post-surgery is not a holiday

You will not feel up to doing much for at least a couple of days following the surgery. You will be asked to take things slowly – so gentle walks rather than any other kind of exhausting activities. If you want to do some holiday sightseeing, it would be best to do it before the surgery.

Part of the process of having a positive outcome from surgery is to prepare in advance and be aware of your limitations. Be mindful, and you will easily sail through you breast augmentation procedure in Bali.