Which are the top clinics for affordable breast augmentation in Playa del Carmen?

If you are looking for safety and the best price guarantee, it is best to book through Medical Departures. We have sent thousands of people from different parts of the globe for plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures that are available at low prices at other destinations. You can go through our site for our quality-checked clinics, be assured that we have checked the qualifications of the doctors and also carry testimonials and reviews of actual patients. Among the top clinics in Playa Del Carmen for breast augmentation are:

Clinica Ambar –Dr. Carlos Edgar Villalobos Ochoa heads this clinic is a member of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery , so appropriately credentialed. This clinic offers all kinds of plastic surgeries and cosmetic treatments.

Age Less Clinic – whether you want breast augmentation, facelift, arm lift or cosmetic procedures like botox or Juvederm, this clinic offers them all at affordable rates, in luxurious surroundings. It is also centrally located and easy to access.

Breast augmentation can be done in different ways 

You can choose a number of surgical and non-surgical options for your breast augmentation . If you want surgery using implants, then you can select the size, shape, brand and type of implants you want in consultation with the doctor. You can also talk to the doctor about the pros and cons of different kinds of incision techniques that are used to insert the implants.

However, if the thought of surgery puts you off and you don’t really want to go under the knife, then you can get breast augmentation done using autologous fat transfer. In this fat is harvested using liposuction from the fatty parts of your body (thighs, abdomen, and back). The fat is then processed and injected into the breasts to increase the volume and the size. This may require some maintenance treatment over time as the fat may be absorbed by the body. This is only really suitable if you have small breasts and only want to go up a size.

What is the breast augmentation cost in Playa Del Carmen?

The breast augmentation cost in Playa Del Carmen will vary and depend on the kind of implants used. However, it is much more affordable than in a western country where you could pay an average of US$11,829 (AUD15,071, NZD16,98, £8,920, €10,053, CAD14,837).

In Playa Del Carmen you would pay an average of around US$3,800 (AUD4,841, NZD5,300, £2,866, €3,229, CAD4,766). If you opt for the fat transfer method, the prices will be different.

Book with Medical Departures for your medical vacation and have the affordable breast augmentation in Playa del Carmen that you always wanted.