Are you seeking the best destination for laser hair removal? Pattaya is a fabulous Thai city where you can get this treatment at affordable prices. You will also be able to enjoy a fabulous holiday as well. Let's discover the top five reasons why it should be your number one destination

1. The Prices Are Extremely Affordable

Say goodbye to exorbitant costs. Pattaya’s laser hair removal prices are extremely affordable. Have a look at the tables below to see for yourself.

Area For Hair Removal

Price in Australia (AUD)

Price in Pattaya (AUD)













Area For Hair Removal

Price in New Zealand (NZD)

Price in Pattaya (NZD)













Now, please remember, these are only approximate figures. The exact cost depends on the area and the number of sessions required. Everyone comes in different sizes and shapes, with different quantities of hair. This means that individual prices can vary greatly.

2. The Clinics Are World Class

Pattaya has many excellent laser hair removal clinics to choose from. You want to make sure you select a modern and clean one, with highly skilled professionals. Don't just walk into the first joint you see. Instead, do your research and read some laser hair removal reviews to get an idea of what different clinics are like.

To help you along we can recommend the Nicha Clinic, the La Grace Clinic Central Pattaya , and the Rajdhevee Clinic . These are widely considered the top three most professional and well-run clinics for getting this treatment in Pattaya. Their previous patients have all left outstanding feedback about them

3. The Nightlife Is Amazing

People come from all over the world to experience Pattaya's nightlife. Whether you like a quiet glass of wine by the beach or a wild all night party, then you will not be disappointed. When not at the clinic, you will have ample time to drink, socialize, and go out.4


. The Accommodation Options Suit All Budgets

Pattaya has very spacious and affordable accommodation, especially when compared to its neighbor Bangkok. Simple but nice rooms can be had for as $20AUD. Even 4-star hotels can be booked for under $100AUD a night. This makes certain everyone can find a great place to stay no matter their budget.

5. The Beach Is A Short Stroll Away

What's great is the cool ocean breeze will always be around. While Pattaya may not have the nicest of beaches, it still makes an excellent place to relax and watch the ocean. Furthermore, there are many bars and restaurants overlooking it, and most accommodation options are only a short stroll away.

So, now you know the real reasons to travel to Thailand for laser hair removal. Pattaya clinicsdeliver on all fronts meaning you won't be disappointed in the quality of the treatment, the prices, or the overall holiday experience.