Do your big breasts make your uncomfortable and result in physical and psychological problems? Breast reduction treatment in Koh Samui may be just what you require.

What’s involved in breast reduction surgery?

Called reduction mammoplasty, the surgery is more reconstructive in nature than simply cosmetic since it aims to reduce the breast size by removing excess tissue, fat and skin. Even nipples may be reduced and re-positioned. The doctor may use liposuction to remove fat. The skin breasts are then reshaped so that you have a more pleasing size. If you see breast reduction reviews, Samui will prove to be a popular medical holiday destination.

Top picks for breast reduction treatment in Koh Samui

If you want a successful breast reduction treatment in Koh Samui, here are some tips that will help you along.

  • When you are traveling for lower cost of the surgery, it is best to take someone with you. Whether it is your partner or friend, you should ideally have someone with you to take care of your for first few days post surgery.
  • Talk to your doctor about any medicines or vitamins or supplements you may be taking for other problems or generally as there can be unwanted interactions between medicines.
  • Make sure to book your flight home after getting clearance from the doctor as to when it is safe to fly back.
  •  Use a support bra immediately after the surgery and for considerable time afterwards – after surgery, your breasts need to be supported well otherwise you have pain for the skin and scar stretching and the breasts can sag.
  • Sleep with your upper body elevated and avoid bending down and lifting heavy objects after surgery.
  • While you should be on your feet and moving, this does not mean that you can resume normal activities. In fact, you need to take it easy after surgery, relax and sleep when you feel the need to.

Recommended hospital for breast reduction treatment

At Medical Departures we only list hospitals that are of top quality and that we have verified. One of the popular and quality-checked hospitals is Bangkok Hospital, Koh Samui . It has excellent medical facilities, is JCI accredited and caters to medical tourists from all over the globe, apart from locals.

You can get all kinds of plastic surgeries, cosmetic treatments and even medical procedures done at this full-fledged hospital. It has a team of highly qualified and experienced doctors in different specialties including plastic surgery and cosmetic treatments.

What is the cost of breast reduction treatment in Koh Samui? 

This surgery can be fairly expensive in an advanced country where it can set you back by as much as AUD13,845 (NZD15,450 £8,256, €9,219, US$10,886, CAD13,568). In Koh Samui you would pay much less and the cost will be an average of AUD5,509 (NZD6,148, £3,286, €3,669, US$4,333, CAD5,400), so you save a great deal by getting the surgery done in Koh Samui.

Book with Medical Departures for your breast reduction treatment in Koh Samui.