Changing Face of Medical Tourism

Western nations once prided themselves on offering the best medical treatments in the world. They are First World countries, so they must lead the way for medical and cosmetic treatments, right? Wrong! If you want to find a cheap nose job cost, Penang in Malaysia is a much more viable option than the USA, Australia, New Zealand or Europe. That might seem a bit extreme but is very true.

Did you know that treatments in a nose job clinic in Malaysia will cost you over 80% cheaper than in America and Australia? The price difference is not even close, and only goes to prove why medical practices in the Western world are collapsing quicker than the Roman Empire once did!

You don’t believe us? Please go and check the Medical Departures website and the proof is right in front of your face. Take your time to search all the clinics for the cheapest nose job cost Penang has to offer and you still won’t believe how cheap these treatments are in Malaysia. Check out our nose job review pages and nose job before and after photos to get a real feel for the options you have in Penang, Malaysia. A highly-recommended nose job clinic in Penang is the world-class Regan Clinic , which appeals to a wide cross-section of international persons seeking treatments.

Cheapest Nose Job Cost

If you are looking to find the cheapest nose job clinics in the world, Malaysia is right up there. With nose job cost options that are over 80% cheaper than in Western nations, it’s not hard to imagine why Malaysia is now such a desirable medical tourism holiday destination. Take advantage of the cheap nose job options in Penang with prices at US $ 1,500 (CAN $1,890; UK £1,145; Euro €1,308; Aus $1,914; NZ $2,041), compared to the prices in the US $ 8,800 (CAN $11,163; UK £6,721; Euro €7,675; Aus $12,600; NZ $13,411).

As you can see, when you want to find the cheapest clinics in the world for nose job cost, Penang in Malaysia is now where the smart people go. You can literally save thousands of dollars by visiting Penang for your cosmetic treatments. If you are tired of the monopoly that the Western world thinks they have on medical and cosmetic treatments, it’s time to change the industry forever. Make sure you don’t miss out on these amazingly affordable prices.