With tummy tuck surgery in Tijuana , you can get rid of that undesirable, flabby middle for around half of what it would cost at home. Here, Medical Departures gives you a rundown of what you need to know before booking that trip to Tijuana:

Why Tijuana?

For Americans living along the border—in California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas—Tijuana and other border towns like Mexicali, Los Algodones and Tecate, are quick and easy to reach. Sharing the border with San Diego in California, you (or somebody accompanying you) can drive to Tijuana with a Fast Pass that allows access to the Medical Lane, which means no waiting in line. Those flying in from further afield have a choice of two international airports – Tijuana on the Mexico side and San Diego on the US side.

Tijuana has long been popular with tourists, especially day-trippers looking for a quick break. With this influx of visitors and a two-decade focus on building out its healthcare infrastructure, Tijuana has now established itself as one of the top medical tourism destinations in the country. You will find top-quality, modern facilities catering to international patients and equipped with the latest technologies, staffed with highly-skilled clinicians. English is spoken widely, so no need to worry about having to speak Spanish.

How Do I Find a Reliable Clinic for my Tummy Tuck?

For any kind of surgery, research beforehand is key. The standard of private medical care for tourists is generally good throughout Mexico, but it always pays to do your own due diligence.

Not sure where to start? Medical Departures is here to help! All the verified clinics listed on our site have been background checked by us. This includes onsite visits, confirmation of doctor qualifications and professional memberships, like the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) . You can check out our listings to access a wealth of information, including patient reviews, before & after photos, procedure videos and, of course, prices. We do this so you find a clinic that is right for you.

To get started, take a look at some of our popular clinics in Tijuana:

What Is the Cost of a Tummy Tuck in Tijuana?

The tummy tuck cost Tijuana clinics offer is around half the price you would expect to pay at home:


US $


UK £



NZ $

Tummy Tuck Cost - Home







Tummy Tuck Cost - Tijuana







Is a Tummy Tuck Suitable for Medical Tourists?

Yes – but the days following the procedure should be earmarked for time spent recovering. So, if you are going for a vacation, you should get all your fun activities out of the way before the surgery.

You should expect some bruising and soreness after the surgery , but that doesn’t mean you’ll be completely bedridden for the remainder of your trip. In fact, getting up and doing some light movement actually reduces swelling and speeds your recovery . Plan to be in the country for at least five days after your surgery, depending upon your surgeon’s advice.

What’s the Next Step?

A tummy tuck in Tijuana presents the chance to save thousands of dollars compared to at home. Find out more by speaking to our Customer Care Team who will be happy to assist. Or you can book an appointment onine directly through Medical Departures--it’s free.


What is a Tummy Tuck? American Society of Plastic Surgery Patient Care Center. 2018 https://www.plasticsurgery.org/cosmetic-procedures/tummy-tuck

Tummy Tuck: Procedure and Preparation. WebMD https://www.webmd.com/beauty/cosmetic-procedures-tummy-tuck#1