If your beauty standard includes big bosoms, then a breast augmentation in Guadalajara might be a great option for you, because in Guadalajara, you will find some the most inexpensive breast augmentation procedures in the entire region. And if you choose Guadalajara as your destination for your medical holiday, the sights and city will not disappoint, and Medical Departures can assist you with 4 Tips in preparation for your augmentation procedure.

  1. Prepare Your Body

Before your procedure, you should eat a nutritious diet of protein, fiber, with sufficient fruits and vegetables, as this will help you make a speedy recovery. You should not take any medications beforehand, especially aspirin, as this may increase bleeding. Finally, avoid smoking as this could lead to complications during the procedure.

  1. Know What You Are Getting Into

Breast augmentation procedures are a surgical cosmetic procedure that enhances your original breast size. It involves incisions made on your breasts as well as insertion of breast implants of your choosing—saline or silicone—each having its own advantage. The procedure starts with an anaesthetic and then incisions are made. Implants are inserted into the incisions, positioned, and finally, the incisions are closed via sutures or medical adhesive. Be ready for downtime that fits your age and fitness level, as this is a major operation.

  1. Make Sure to Rest

After the procedure, you are going to need all the energy to recover. Book a hotel that is comfortable and has good-sized rooms with basic amenities, as you need to sleep, eat nutritious foods that are prepared for you and pass the time without exerting yourself.

  1. Explore and See What Guadalajara Has to Offer

Guadalajara rivals the urban landscape of the famed Mexico City, yet bests Mexico City in so many ways. First, Guadalajara has much more space and a much smaller population, so stress levels are reduced. The city also offers a multitude of historic and architectural wonders, a vibrant nightlife and exquisite Mexican cuisine. It is also home of the world-famous beverage, Tequila, but remember that your surgeon will recommend you refrain from alcohol at least 24 hours prior to surgery. All of this, and the reason why most people travel to Guadalajara— affordable, high-quality medical care.

How Affordable is Breast Augmentation in Guadalajara?

Take a look at the comparison table below to discover how the price in Guadalajara compares with the average prices of breast augmentation procedures in the USA, Canada and Australia.





















If you have made your mind up to have the treatment, here are two Medical Departures recommended clinics for you in Guadalajara:

Jenny Bracamontes Blanco offers an array of high-quality cosmetic enhancement services for you. Operating since 1997, this surgery has everything it takes to handle your procedure of choice. See the exclusive Medical Departures offered promotional packages below:

Dr. Juan David Florez Lopez is a well-known plastic, cosmetic and reconstructive surgeon in Guadalajara, offering only low-cost yet high-quality services. He offers these exclusive Medical Departures packages for you!

If you are now all set for your breast augmentation procedure, contact Medical Departures to organize your vacation. You can book directly online or contact our Customer Care Team with any questions or concerns you may have.


Ranit Mishori, MD, MHS. Preparing for Surgery. Healthy Women. https://www.healthywomen.org/condition/preparing-surgery

Breast Augmentation. Mayo Clinic. https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/breast-augmentation/about/pac-20393178

Mexico Western / Central Highlands. Lonely Planet. https://www.lonelyplanet.com/mexico/western-central-highlands/guadalajara