Quezon City offers nose implant procedures that are affordable and high-quality. This procedure is a simple surgical treatment but it requires a fully-qualified and experienced doctor to perform it. Medical Departures provides unbiased and impartial advice and this guide will help you minimize discomfort before and after your nose implant in Quezon City.

  1. Affordable Treatment

Medical Departures have screened all the available clinics in Quezon City by checking and verifying their qualifications and even visiting the facility itself. One clinic in the Philippines that passed all the stringent checks was the Cosmetic Surgery Clinic which offers high-quality nose implants at affordable prices as shown in the comparison table below:



$6,109 vs $1,355 Save US $4,754


$8,000 vs $1,775 Save AUD $6,225

New Zealand

$8,903 vs $1,975 Save NZD $6,928

  1. Excellent Accommodation Options

In Quezon City, you will find many high-quality hotels and resorts to rest in before and after your procedure. For ultimate convenience, let Medical Departures organize your stay from start to finish as we can recommend quality hotels where you can recuperate in a relaxing setting.

  1. Prepare Well

Nose implants , or Silastic nasal implants , are fabricated from plastic and silicone and provide a more appealing contour for the nasal bridge, or they can add length and volume to the tip of the nose. The nose implants are carried out under surgical conditions. The surgery involves making small incisions across the nasal bridge into which the implant is inserted and positioned successfully. The incisions are then closed using medical adhesive or sutures.

To avoid complications you should stop smoking before surgery and avoid medication prior to the procedure, as it may increase blood flow during the surgery. A healthy diet is recommended to aid a speedy recovery.

  1. Protect Your Nose

After your procedure, you can expect moderate discomfort that requires mild medication. Within 72 hours the pain will subside, although some swelling may persist. Ensure you protect the nose and prevent contact with external objects that may cause pain and discomfort.

Getting Started

Check out the nose implant, before and after, pictures for Quezon City on Medical Departures. If you like what you see, contact the Customer Care Center to book your appointment in an affordable yet high-quality clinic in Quezon City, or you can schedule an appointment directly online with us. We look forward to hearing from you soon.


Quezon City. Lonely Planet https://www.lonelyplanet.com/philippines/manila/in-location/sights/ced0aa6a-4778-44ed-82d6-3ed91b7bf9ed/a/nar/ced0aa6a-4778-44ed-82d6-3ed91b7bf9ed/357305

Wirth, Garret A. Nasal Implants. MedScape. 26 October 2018 https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1282845-overview

Quit Smoking Before your Operation. American College of Surgeons. https://www.facs.org/education/patient-education/patient-resources/prepare/quit-smoking