Guadalajara is a popular destination for breast lift surgery as it offers high-quality work at low prices . A breast lift elevates sagging and drooping breasts making them look perkier and higher on the chest. The experienced surgeons in Guadalajara perform high-quality surgery and are accustomed to welcoming the international patient.

What is Breast Lift Surgery?

Breast lift surgery tightens and lifts breasts so there is more compression and firmness. Your breasts will usually become smaller after the procedure, so many patients undergo implant surgery along with a breast lift in order to keep the size stable. Our listed clinics in Guadalajara have posted many before and after photos of breast lifts so you can see what to expect.

Our best clinics in Guadalajara offer the same high-quality treatment as north of the border, just much more affordably.

Who are the Most Popular Surgeons for a Breast Lift in Guadalajara?

It may be difficult for you to come to a conclusion on the quality of doctors as according to their websites they are all experts. Medical Departures can help, however, as we have assisted hundreds of thousands of patients from all over the world undergo inexpensive yet high-quality treatment.

The reviews those patients left—combined with verification of the clinics, the quality of doctors and our best price guarantee—mean that using our site will help you find the best option. These are some of the highly recommended doctors from the patient reviews:

Jenny Bracamontes Blanco is based at the Innovare Cirugia Plastica in Zapopan. She offers all types of surgeries and cosmetic treatments and specializes in boob jobs.

Juan Gordillo has more than 10 years of experience and is a member of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS). He works out of the Centro Medico Puerta de Hierro Sur.

Dr. Allan Ceballos Pressler is affiliated with the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons . He has performed plastic surgery—including breast—lifts for over 20 years.

How Much is a Breast Lift in Guadalajara?

The table below shows a comparison of prices in Mexico and other countries for breast lift surgery:








Cost of Breast Lift Surgery in west







Cost of Breast lift surgery in Guadalajara







Getting Started:

Breast lift surgery is much more affordable in Guadalajara. Book with Medical Departures today to get the best price guarantee and an appointment with a top surgeon.


Breast Lift Surgery. WebMD.

Guadalajara. Lonely Planet.

Trevino, Julissa. Medical Tourism is Booming in Mexico. Pacific Standard Magazine. 9 January 2018.