Extremely big breasts do not look sexy and can cause physical and psychological problems. It also offers low priced plastic surgery at top medical centers, adding to its lure. So you can have a beach getaway, enjoy your time in Cancun and also have your breast reduction surgery done.

The importance of breast reduction

When you carry additional weight in the front thanks to big breasts, your back gets thrown and your shoulder muscles may ache as your center of gravity shifts. You also may be prone to skin infections below the breasts. For these very real physical reasons, you should consider breast reduction surgery.

Apart from these are the psychological problems as your big breasts will be the first thing that people notice about you, so whether you are intelligent or brainy or otherwise attractive, all these attributes are not what people will remember you for. You will also find it difficult to get clothes and inner wear that fits well. After the surgery your physical problems should be better, you will be more active and will be able to wear the clothes that you want.

Three top breast reductions surgeon in Cancun

Medical Departures has shortlisted three top breast reduction surgeons in Cancun. They are verified and credentialed and highly experienced as well. You can go to any of them for your breast reduction surgery. Here’s the breast reduction surgeons list in Cancun:

Luz Del Carmen Lopez – Dr. Lopez is a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon who is a member of the International Confederation for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (IPRAS) and the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) , if you need further confirmation of his credentials.

Dr Rafael Velasco Marin – Dr. Marin lets his work speak for him: he customizes treatment for the individual, discusses the treatment plan and then only proceeds. He is a member of several professional medical bodies.

Alejandro Ulises Solis Gonzalez – he is highly experienced in all kinds of plastic surgeries and also offers cosmetic treatments. He is a member of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS)

What is the breast reduction price in Cancun?

While breast reduction surgery may be covered by insurance, it may be likely that you do not have medical insurance, your co-pay may be too high, you may be underinsured or you may not fit the criteria laid out by the insurance company. When you have to pay for the surgery on your own, the cost is a big factor.

In an advanced country breast reduction surgery can cost you around US$10,886 (CAD13,636, £8,253, €9,210, AUD13,994, NZD15,408). In Cancun for breast reduction you would pay an average of US$4,200 (CAD5,261, £3,184, €3,554, AUD5,399, NZD5,945) for similar work. For low breast reduction prices, Cancun is all the more attractive.

Check out the breast reduction surgeons’ list in Cancun, make your choice and book via Medical Departures for your breast reduction surgery.