Want to know about breast reduction in Tijuana ? Our listings contain everything you need to know about your chosen clinic – price, photos, or maybe check out a breast reduction review? Tijuana offers affordable plastic surgery treatments in a convenient location for visitors from the US and Canada.

If your breasts are getting to the point where they are just too big to carry around anymore and are causing you lots of trouble and especially back pain, a breast reduction procedure might be the only way to alleviate your stress. The only problem with that is the price for breast reduction in the USA is almost USD $13,000. Did you think about visiting Mexico for your treatments?

Helping you to change your life

Breast reduction treatments really do change people lives for the better. There is nothing worse than having constant back pain when your breasts are too large to carry about. At Medical Departures, we are dedicated to finding you the best solutions to your medical tourism needs. Did you know what thousands of Americans each year make the short trip over the Mexican border to Tijuana to find affordable breast reduction clinics?

If you read a breast reduction review, Tijuana has some cost-effective clinics with prices that are almost 70% cheaper than in the USA and Canada. Our breast reduction review pages on the MD website also have user-generated reviews from former patients of each clinic, and, also, breast reduction before and after photos that let you know what’s in store.

The MD website uses the core information and customer reviews to find you the best choice of clinics possible. If you are looking for a top-notch breast reduction surgeon, these clinics are highly recommended:

Dr Ricardo Vega Montiel or Dr Isabel Balza, who are both real whizz kids with the scalpel. We also suggest the Advanced Health Medical Center or the Cammel Plastic Surgery center . All of these doctors and clinics work to high international standards and appeal to vast hordes of Americans, Canadians and even Europeans who visit Mexico for their treatments every year.

Tijuana offers some of the cheapest prices in the world, so don’t miss out.

Breast Reduction Cost in Tijuana

When it comes to the breast reduction cost, not many medical destinations in the world can match Mexico in terms of affordability. The prices for breast reduction treatments in Mexico are as follows: US $4,000 (CAN $5,015; UK £3,076; Euro €3,434; Aus $5,029; NZ $5,379), compared to the prices in the US $ 12,500 (CAN $15,673; UK £9,621; Euro €10,765; Aus $18,000; NZ $19,271).

To find the cheapest breast reduction, review Tijuana clinics we’ve suggested. You can then start making your plans to change your life forever. A quality breast reduction treatment will make you feel like a new person, and alleviate the troubles you have been suffering with for so long. Whether you want to look better, be more active, or basically want to feel like a normal person again, breast reduction at a Tijuana clinic may be just what you need.