It is no longer awkward to talk about liposuction in public like it was the case a few years back. Liposuction is now the most popular procedure among the available aesthetic treatments. This is a confirmation that the society has moved from the era where it was only thought as a procedure for the rich people who are too lazy to exercise. However, even with the growth of the number of clinics and doctors offering liposuction, you cannot afford to choose blindly. The only way you can get an idea of what to expect at the end is if you get some recommendations, like in a liposuction review. Penang has a high number of qualified surgeons who are fully qualified in liposuction techniques.

One of the best clinics for liposuction in Penang is Leh Clinic.

a) Leh Clinic

This clinic offers aesthetic beauty services for the skin, face, and body to the international and local clientèle. The treatments and techniques used are minimally-invasive and pain-free. They are offered within the shortest time possible to allow you to start the recovery process early and get back to the activities of daily living.

There are free consultation services to discuss aspirations and preferences so that the treatment can proceed just like you want. In addition, a personalized care plan is drafted after you have been advised on the best option and come to a decision. However, the professionals can only advise you but you are the one to make the final decision.

At Leh clinic, the art of science, aesthetics, medicine, and use of innovative and state-of-the-art technology is utilized in offering the services to the clients. Your expectations will definitely be met in this case with minimally invasive transformations.

Besides liposuction, Leh clinic also offers:

  • Dermal and Botox fillers- they combat wrinkles and lines on the face.
  • Laser Technology.
  • Radiofrequency treatment and chemical peels.

The treatments offered are aimed at firming sagging or loose skin, elimination of hyperhidrosis, stretch marks and stubborn pockets of fat. They also lift, rejuvenate and tighten the skin to give you a youthful profile and shape.

Every treatment at Leh clinic is completed under strict supervision by Dr. Louis Leh who is the CEO. He got his medical degree from India and went for post-graduate studies in the United Kingdom. He has held a presidential position at the Malaysian Society of Aesthetic Medicine. His area of specialization is aging skin and facial aesthetics.

You can discover more about this state-of-the-art clinic from medical departures. Just call toll-free, or chat online with the customer care team for assistance or to place a booking.


You will pay between USD $ 2751( CAN $3549, UK £ 2135 AUD $ 3621) in Penang for liposuction compared to USD $12,000 in the United states for the same( CAN $15,482 UK £ 9314 AUD $ 15,796).

The prices are indicated in twenty-one different currencies for clients located all over the world to conveniently learn about how much you will pay in your local currency.

Checked out a liposuction review? Penang plastic surgeons are among the best so book an appointment today online, or speak with our Customer Care Team.