Looking for affordable IVF? Review Cancun’s fertility clinics with Medical Departures. you.

Looking at IVF? Review Cancun’s facilities and take the opportunity to really relax with a vacation at the same time.

IVF is an assisted reproduction technique, whereby the woman’s eggs are removed and fertilized in a controlled environment outside the body. The fertilized eggs are then re-inserted for the full term of the pregnancy. This treatment usually involves administering fertility medications to the woman to mature more than one egg cell in each of her cycles. The doctor retrieves the eggs before ovulation and unites them in a laboratory with a sperm either from the patient’s partner or from another donor. When this develops into an embryo, it is then transferred back into the woman’s uterus for implantation. When successful, pregnancy is confirmed after about two weeks with the use of a pregnancy test.

IVF clinics in Cancun are good options, especially for couples living in the United States and Canada. Aside from being easily accessible to international clients and having affordable offers for the treatments, Cancun caters to your concerns in a caring and approachable manner. The following fertility clinics are some of the best that international patients should consider.

  • Dr. Jose Eligo Gaytan Melicoff helps couples to achieve their dreams despite having some fertility issues.
  • Irega has the advanced technology and skilled staff to help couples in their desire to conceive a child. This facility also provides an exclusive IVF Warranty - if the patients are unsuccessful with their first attempt, provide a second attempt at no charge.
  • Fertility Clinic Americas brings hope to those couples who are struggling to conceive a child. The medical specialists in his facility always do their best to ensure fantastic positive results.

If you are wondering how much IVF cost s in Cancun, compared to at home, check out the prices below:


























Have a look at our clinic listings for further information about IVF clinics in Cancun. It is our fundamental mission here at Medical Departures to connect our clients with the best facilities and doctors. All the clinics and doctors we recommend have been verified thoroughly with extensive background checks into their qualifications and safety standards . We recommend only doctors and medical facilities that are exceptional . Feel free to contact and visit us for more information.

The significant Mayan culture pyramids, temples and artifacts, the fascinating cenotes and Cancun’s gorgeous scenery provide a great destination for getting away from it all and truly relaxing. Alongside the usual top-quality restaurants, hotels, beaches and other entertainments there is plenty to occupy your time during the procedure for your IVF. Review Cancun for yourself and add it to your shortlist.