Having a baby is expensive, but for anyone with fertility problems the additional costs of trying to conceive a child can be discouraging. But there is another way: just over the US-Mexico Border, IVF in Mexicali can save you thousands.

What is the Cost of In Vitro Fertilization in Mexicali Compared to Home?

The table below shows the cost of IVF in Mexicali and comparison of prices back home. At less than half price you can, effectively, get two for the price of one–something to seriously think about given only around a third of IVF treatments are successful first time.


US $


UK £



NZ $

IVF Cost – home







IVF Cost – Mexicali








Why Should I Choose Mexicali?

Anyone who lives within a convenient drive to Mexicali should put it on their shortlist. IVF treatment involves a lot of “to-ing and from-ing” the clinic; you either need to book a vacation and stay in the vicinity for several weeks, or make sure you can get to the clinic fairly easily and expediently when required. Mexicali has a Medical Lane at the US border crossing so you can speed through without having to wait in line. You can get a Fast Pass from your medical provider.

Clinics along the Border tend to be set up specifically to cater to international patients: modern, well-equipped and often with US-trained, board-certified medical staff.

If you do need to stay over, you will find plenty of accommodation options in Mexicali, or you can find affordable lodging on the California side of the Border in Calexico .

How Do I Find a Reputable Facility for IVF in Mexicali?

We always advise you to do your own research. Just because standards are generally good doesn’t mean that all clinics are the same quality. Do some digging around the Internet and ask around. Try to build up a picture of the clinic, its facilities, the doctors and their success rates.

You can also find verified clinics, like the Hospital de la Familia , on the Medical Departures website, where we have carried out our own background checks. As well as onsite visits, we confirm doctor qualifications and professional memberships. We also compile patient testimonials which are published on our site. You can find this information under each clinic listing, as well as clinic photos, maps, prices and much more, giving you the opportunity to make your own informed choice.

The Bottom Line

Trying to conceive a baby can be financially as well as emotionally draining. Give yourself the best chance of being able to hold your own bundle of joy and consider Mexicali for IVF treatment. Get in touch with our Customer Care Team who will be happy to answer any questions, talk you through the process and arrange your appointment.