Is the low nose job price Samui offers the only reason why the trip to Thailand is worth it for the procedure? No, but it is the biggest reason. People from Australia and New Zealand fly out to Koh Samui because the see the value in it. Let’s take a closer look at that value and why it is worth the trip to Samui for your nose job.

Excellent Surgeons

Thailand is home to some of the finest rhinoplasty surgeons in the region. It’s only a myth that overseas hospitals and medical professionals aren’t up to the mark. While there may be those that are not comparable to the surgeons back in your hometown, there’s no dearth of brilliant surgeons in Samui. The skill, experience and commitment of these professionals make the trip worth your time.

State-of-the-art Surgical Facilities

As with the cadre of professionals, the medical facilities in Koh Samui are also up to the mark. And again, while there may be some clinics that aren’t on the level, there are plenty of those that are right up there, offering the same standard of care you would expect Down Under.

So you’re not flying out just to meet mediocre surgeons in the hopes of saving money. There are plenty of amazing clinics in Samui, such as Issara Clinic , that offer reliable yet affordable nose job. You can count on clinics like Issara to offer the best nose job price in Samui.

No Hassle

You just read that saving money doesn’t have to mean accepting lower standards of surgery. What’s even more delightful, it doesn’t mean you have to go through extra trouble either. Sure, you have to hop on a plane and make that flight to and from Thailand. But you would do that while going on a vacation too right? And you probably wouldn’t consider it a hassle as you take a break from your daily life and go off on a holiday.

With the help of Medical Departures, finding the right clinic in Koh Samui is a breeze. You won’t be wasting your time and energy going crazy as you look for the best clinic for a nose job.

Rhinoplasty Cost – Samui

As mentioned earlier, the price of nose job in Samui is the biggest reason that make the trip worth it. How much can you expect to save on the rhinoplasty by flying out to Samui? Check out this cost comparison based on average prices:

Cost of rhinoplasty in Australia: AUD $12,600

Cost of rhinoplasty in New Zealand: NZD $14,000

Cost of rhinoplasty in Koh Samui: AUD $5,200 / NZD $5,800

Yes, you can save that much! You can easily cover the cost of travel and accommodation and still spend less than what you would have to pay back home for the surgery.

As you can see, the low nose job price Samui offers is a big but not the only reason that makes the trip worth it.