Read Reviews on Medical Departures

Medical Departures is the ultimate medical tourism portal. The website contains useful and reliable information on the best clinics and hospitals across the world’s top medical tourism destinations. Contrary to what some people think, you don’t just have to rely on the websites of the foreign clinics.

This right here is the reliable third-party source of information you need. The clinic reviews contain feedback from actual people who have visited the clinics. Their words tell you a lot about the quality of a particular clinic and whether you will find it suitable for getting your breast implants or not.

Look at Before and After Photos

Why should you look at the teardrop breast implant before and after photos Mexico offers? Because they help you:

1. Judge the skill of the professionals you’re considering, and

2. Set realistic expectations for your breast augmentation

Both these are crucial reasons for reviewing these photos. Many people don’t think about the importance of setting realistic expectations. But the fact remains that you should be well aware of what can be achieved with a breast augmentation and what cannot.

Check Out Top Clinics Recommended by Medical Departures

To save time, you can just zoom in on the top recommended clinics for getting teardrop breast implants. Here are 3 names that should be on your short list:

Feel free to contact these clinics and get personalized quotes before booking an appointment.

Understand the Benefits of Teardrop Breast Implants

Teardrop implants are considered anatomic thanks to their teardrop shape, much like your natural breasts. This shape feels a little firmer compared to round implants. So if you prefer a very high level of soft touch, you shouldn’t opt for these implants. Teardrop implants are more durable and boast lower rates of rupture. Plus, they are better at maintaining long-term breast shape than round implants.

Consider the Price

Due to the materials used, teardrop breast implants are pricier than round implants. But if you travel to Mexico for the implants, the price difference might not mean much since you’ll be saving thousands of dollars:

Cost of breast implants in the US: USD $11,500

Cost of breast implants in Canada: CAD $14,382

Cost of breast implants in Mexico: USD $4,300, CAD $5,378

Rest assured that you don’t have to compromise on quality to avail these amazing prices. If you find the right clinic, that is. Also bear in mind that teardrop implants are an excellent choice when the current tissue covered is thin. Feel free to discuss your needs and thoughts on the implants with your doctor. In any case, if you need a teardrop breast implant, Mexico is the ideal place to get it.