Heading abroad for cosmetic surgery has the potential to save you thousands of dollars on your hospital bill: a tummy tuck in Costa Rica offers discounts of up to 50% compared to the United States and Canada. 

If you have recently lost some weight, your skin can sometimes be left looking loose and droopy, and a tummy tuck (also called abdominoplasty ) helps to fix this. Removing excess or sagging skin around your stomach can help to make your abdominal muscles appear tighter and give you a flatter tummy. 

Traveling to Costa Rica for a Tummy Tuck

Costa Rica is one of the most stable, prosperous countries in Latin America and has seen significant foreign investment in recent years. Spanish is the official language here but English is widely spoken at healthcare businesses, restaurants and travel venues, so there is no need to be apprehensive about a language barrier. Doctors here regularly deal with overseas patients and will discuss everything about a tummy tuck with you in English. With Costa Rica such a popular tourist destination you will find good options for regular flights connecting to San José from many international airports across the United States and Canada.

Relax and Recover in a Costa Rican Resort

One way to get the most out of your visit to Costa Rica for a tummy tuck is to check yourself in to resort where you can recuperate after your surgery. While immediate recovery time is around four hours from the time the procedure is complete, doctors often advise patients to refrain from any strenuous activity for up to six weeks after abdominoplasty. A few days in a resort where you can take things slowly, sunbathe, and swim is a great way to start your recovery process.

The Best Tummy Tuck Doctors in Costa Rica

Many of our past patients have written a positive tummy tuck review about Costa Rica and their experience at one of the professional cosmetic surgery clinics in the country. Reading these are a great way to put your mind at ease and familiarize yourself with what to expect when you arrive for your tummy tuck. All doctors listed on Medical Departures undergo a four-part review process, which includes visiting the clinic, verifying their medical license, checking their online reputation, and completing a quality survey.

In San José, Dr. Pablo Polis and his specialist team offer a wide range of cosmetic treatments and surgeries, including abdominoplasty. He operates at the JCI-accredited CIMA Hospital, the Catholic Hospital, and at Pablo Solís Liberia . Another great plastic surgeon in the capital is Dr. Gustavo Chavarria , with more than 20 years of experience transforming the appearance of his patients. Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, he offers all new patients an expert consultation at the Costa Rica Center for Plastic Surgery.

Our Customer Care Team is available to answer any questions you might have about having a tummy tuck in Costa Rica, and you can book an appointment online with any of our recommended doctors today.