Need a Facelift? Tijuana Awaits You With Its Amazing Line-up of Clinics

Thinking about getting facelift surgery? Pack your bags and head to Tijuana. Once considered a weekend getaway for millions of Americans, this hotbed of sex, drugs, and tequila is now one of the best medical travel destinations in the world. Local sources report that more than a million medical tourists visited Mexico in 2015, spending around $550 million. The main reason is of course affordability, coupled with a great line of facelift clinics Tijuana has.

However, choosing one clinic out of so many can be a bit tricky. That is why we have listed the top facelift clinics in Tijuana for your convenience.

Best Clinics for Facelift Surgery in Tijuana

  • Ricardo Vega Montiel
  • Advanced Health Medical Center
  • Molding Clinic Cosmetic Surgery Center
  • Cella Stem
  • Cammel Plastic Surgery
  • Dr. Isabel Balza Mirabal

You can read more about these clinics on a reliable facelift review such as Medical Departures. You can also ask for referrals from other medical tourists. More than a million medical tourists visit Mexico every year, most of them from the US. So you can ask someone in your social circle for referrals of clinics in Tijuana.

You can also look for facelift before and after pictures of each clinic to see what kind of results they promise. This will also give you a visual clue of what you can expect from surgery. Since you are going under the knife away from home, any research you do will increase your confidence.

The Best Surgeons for Facelift in Tijuana

The top facelift surgeons in Tijuana include:

All of them are board-certified and at the top of their game when it comes to skill, qualification, and experience. Dr. Vega, for instance, is an active surgeon since 1991. While medical tourists primarily come to Mexico to save money, surgeons like these ensure that tourists get their money’s worth.

Speaking of saving money, let’s conclude by calculating how much you can save on facelift surgery in Tijuana.

Affordable Facelift Cost

Here’s a cost comparison that will give you some idea:

Cost of Facelift in the US: $18,000

Cost of Facelift in Mexico (high): $8,000

Cost of Facelift in Mexico (low): $3,000

Cost of Facelift in Mexico (average): $5,500

So if we consider $5,500 to be the average facelift surgery cost, you are getting a discount of almost 70%.

Don’t forget that facelift is an elective procedure, which means it is usually not covered by insurance in the US, and the waiting line is endless. But you can avoid both these scenarios in Tijuana. Not only is the cost affordable, but the waiting time is also nil in comparison to the States.

Also don’t forget that there is a dedicated fast lane on the highway for American medical tourists entering Tijuana, which further saves your time. So, go online and find the best facelift clinics Tijuana has to offer, and avail these amazing benefits.