Hosting over 500,000 expat residents and 20 million annual visitors passing through its borders via plane, boat, and land each year, the majority of whom come from Western countries like the UK, Western Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand, the exotic tropical national of Thailand has a well-developed healthcare apparatus geared toward Western patients’ needs and expectations of quality. Healthcare in Thailand, for tourists, is absolutely world-class – provided you find the right providers.


As part of Medical Departures’ mission to connect our clients to the best healthcare providers in nations like Thailand, we have assembled below our Healthcare Review: Thailand Tourist Edition, featuring introductions to the providers offering top healthcare for tourists – whether as part of a planned procedure or in case of an emergency.


Each of these facilities below have been carefully chosen by Medical Departures based on feedback from our clients, reviews of international accreditations, awards and other recognition of excellence by third parties, doctor experience and accreditations, English proficiency of staff, affordability, and overall friendliness.

Kamol Hospital :

Head doctor Dr. Kamol Pansrithum has over 30 years of experience in the field, having performed over 10,000 sex reassignment surgeries alone. Featuring a team of experts on staff with experience in every aspect of medicine, the Hospital harnesses vast collection of experienced doctors to meet Western patients’ expectations for excellence.

Bangkok Hospital Phuket :

Certified as a international-standard facility by the Joint Commission of International Accreditation (JCIA USA), Bangkok Hospital Phuket offers cosmetic and traditional medical services to tourists visiting the exotic southern island destination of Phuket, renowned worldwide for its stunning natural features and Western-friendly environment.

Yanhee Hospital :

Bangkok’s Yanhee Hospital has been a consistent mainstay of top-notch medical care in Thailand, having operated successfully for 33 years since 1984. With its three-decade-long track record and its extensive physician roster of Western-trained, Western-accredited doctors, Yanhee Hospital is an excellent option for tourists seeking any sort of healthcare whether medical or cosmetic.

Nirunda International Aesthetic

Dr. Krittiporn Pengsuk , who has practiced his medical craft and honed his skills in the US and UK, heads up a team of experts who know what Western clients demand and expect. The clinic has earned a 5-star rating on its Medical Departures profile for its excellent standards of care. In addition to its excellent quality and affordable pricing, the clinic is also very easily accessible to tourists via Bangkok’s ultra-modern BTS Skytrain rail system – Nirunda is just a couple hundred kilometers from the nearest station, Phrom Phong.

Mark these clinics down as the hands-down best options available in terms of

healthcare in Thailand for tourists

. And of course, please check out their profiles (linked above) for virtual tours of the facilities, before and after photos, detailed lists of procedures available, individualized price quotes help with logistical planning, and our Medical Departures online staff available 24/7 to help you with any concerns or questions you might have. Safe travels!