Klinik Kim Wrinkle Treatment Clinic ( Penang) Exemplifies Malaysia’s Burgeoning Medical Tourism Scene

We can avoid neither aging, nor its signs, especially on our skin. Our skin maintains its strength and elasticity until our 30s, after which wrinkles and lines start to develop and become more apparent. While a healthy skincare regime takes care of these signs, wrinkle treatments offer more dramatic and natural-looking results. Thankfully, for Aussies and Kiwis, finding affordable wrinkle treatments is a breeze. All you need is a return flight to Malaysia where facilities like the Klinik Kim Wrinkle Treatment Clinic (Penang) help you go wrinkle-free and get a glimpse of Malaysian medical tourism at its finest.

Inside Klinik Kim

This clinic is located inside the multicultural capital of Penang, Georgetown. A clinic that helps people improve their aesthetics has focused a lot on its own aesthetics. The white and purple color scheme definitely augments this hi-tech clinic, designed for the clients’ privacy and comfort.

Established in 2015, this clinic runs under the supervision of Dr. Ong Ee Chau, a certified doctor from the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine. This is testimony to the quality of skin care treatments you can avail at this clinic.

Overall, it is a 5-star clinic situated in Penang’s popular tourist area close to the beaches and parks so you can focus on the ‘tourism’ part of medical tourism as well!

But what about the cost?

Wrinkle Treatment Prices in Penang

Wrinkle treatments can be surgical as well as non-surgical. You can discuss with the clinic which one is most suitable for you. In any case, you’ll be paying far less in Penang for these treatments than back home in Australia or New Zealand. Here are some wrinkle treatment prices:

Surgical Wrinkle Treatment :
Price of Facelift in Australia: AUD $26,000
Price of Facelift in New Zealand: NZD $26,000
Price of Facelift in Malaysia: AUD $3,552 (NZD $3,710) – 85% saving!

Non-Surgical Wrinkle Treatment :
Price of Botox (per unit) in Australia: AUD $60
Price of Botox (per unit) in New Zealand: NZD $62.7
Price of Botox (per unit) in Malaysia: AUD $7.9 (NZD $8.2) – 60% saving!

Also consider the fact that wrinkle treatments are elective procedures not covered by insurance, which makes any discount worth your while. Plus, you don’t have to wait extensively for your turn at the clinic. Most importantly, you will feel more confbe moreident ensively for your turn at the clinic by insurnace,ocedures can be understood in 3 ways:
American Academy of Aesident after getting your wrinkles removed, which is priceless.
All this coupled with a memorable vacation in Penang, and you are getting the best bang for your buck!

Schedule an Appointment Today

If you want to learn more about cosmetic clinics for wrinkle treatment, review websites offer tons of information. You can also look at wrinkle treatment before and after pictures of each clinic to choose to see what kind of results you can expect. In short, do your research and set realistic expectations. That’s the best advice for medical tourists.

You can schedule appointments before you land in Penang, but you can also do it from the airport as well. Medical tourism has become a convenient affair, thanks to the local government at the tourist destinations.

Moreover, if your doctor recommends that you get surgery for even better results, you can get it scheduled immediately and get your visa extended from within the wrinkle treatment clinic. Penang is rapidly becoming a medical tourist attraction; you will see plenty of other foreign patients as well when you visit.