It’s high price in the US and Canada, however, keeps many people from benefiting from this amazing procedure. So, a lot of people look south towards Mexico for an affordable facelift. If you’re considering a facelift, before and after photos in Mexico should be one of the first things you check out.

Judge the Clinic’s Expertise

A picture speaks a thousand words. And the before and after photos of a facelift will tell you a lot about the competence of a clinic you’re considering. You don’t get a facelift every day and you need to be confident about the clinic you select. This is especially true if you’re traveling to another country. Medical Departures makes this easier for you by listing the top clinics for a facelift in Mexico. Here are three top clinics you should consider:

All these clinics have the winning combination of cutting-edge technology, skilled and experienced professionals and low prices.

Set Realistic Expectations

Another reason why it’s important to look at facelift before and after photos in Mexico is that the images help you set realistic expectations. You don’t want to set yourself up for disappointment by misjudging what a facelift can and cannot do. So, look at the before and after shots to see what kind of results you can expect. Discuss your case with the clinics in light of the pictures you see and they will help you make up your mind about what can be achieved with this procedure.

Cost of Facelift in Mexico

Yes, the main reason behind traveling to Mexico for a facelift is to save money. How much money? Check out the cost comparison:

Cost of facelift in the US: USD $18,000

Cost of facelift in Canada: CAD $22,445

Cost of facelift in Mexico: USD $5,500, CAD $6,858

The opportunity to save upwards of USD $12,000 is truly amazing. And what makes it the real deal is that you’re not forced to compromise on quality. The lower prices are primarily the result of Mexico’s lower operating costs, lower living expenses and a healthy competition among the clinics. It’s just a myth that medical tourism is cheap because the clinics are sub-standard abroad.

Having said that, you will have to steer clear of many clinics that are not up to the mark. This would have been quite a pickle, if it hadn’t been for Medical Departures. Here you can read about the best clinics at the top medical tourism destinations. For a facelift, review Mexico and it’s reliable clinics mentioned above.

Start by reading reviews and looking at facelift before and after photos. In Mexico you can finally turn roll back the years and return with a younger face, without burning through your savings.