Based in Thailand, Pattaya’s VPlast Clinic, is where you can count on saving thousands of dollars, euros, and pounds off the procedure when you compare to expensive Western clinics.

The quality of work Vplast Clinic’s surgeons provide is truly second to none, and it competitive with even the most highly respected clinics anywhere in Europe, North America, Australia, or New Zealand. Its doctors understand and appreciate the level of care that Westerners expect, and deliver results that consistently surpass Medical Departures Clients’ expectations.

Based on numerous factors including the endless praise over nearly two decades from satisfied Western plastic surgeon patients, Vplast Clinic remains one of our most highly recommended clinics – not only in Thailand, but anywhere in the world.

Aside from the guaranteed high quality of work, of course pricing plays a huge factor in your decision to visit Thailand for your arm lift . Our chart below indicates just how drastic the savings are at Vplast Clinic versus Western facilities.

Arm Lift Cost Comparison:

Vplast Clinic

Western Average


$2,401 USD ($3,183 AUD, $3,415 NZD, $3,241 CAD, €2,239 EUR, £6,023 GBP)

$7,714 USD ($10,225 AUD, $10,970 NZD, $10,412 CAD, €7,192 EUR, £1,875 GBP)


Arm lift review:

With eight English-speaking surgeons and 30 supporting staff members on hand, you can expect a highly collaborative, Western-oriented experience for your arm lift from staff to finish. VPlast Clinic has operated in the seaside ex-pat community of Pattaya for 16 years now, gaining over that time period of legion of repeat customers and building its patient base primarily on word-of-mouth reports of its excellent care.

The clinic’s head surgeon, Dr. Pichansak Bunmas, has practiced cosmetic surgery for nearly two decades, and personally guides the work of all VPlast Clinic’s surgeons.

Logistics and Support:

Vplast Clinic’s arm lift procedures, as well as all other cosmetic surgery procedures, are oriented to the needs and comfort of medical tourists. As part of its all-inclusive package for Western visitors, the clinic offers free airport shuttle pickup at the nearby Pattaya airport, free wi-fi and water, complimentary arrangement of stay at nearby resorts and/or hotels, as well as a staff ready and willing to assist with any special needs or concerns from patients in terms of logistical planning.

We understand that choosing the right facility can and should be carefully considered – we encourage you to visit the Vplast Clinic’s profile where you can find the tools you need to make the decision to visit the clinic for your arm lift -- patient reviews, virtual tours of the facilities, arm lift before and after photos, as well as more detailed information on the surgeon and clinic accreditations. You can also chat with our online staff in real time about any additional concerns you have before making the decision to pick Vplast Clinic for your arm lift. See you seaside in Thailand!