Looking to get rid of some of that extra body fat? Have you ever considered a liposuction procedure? It’s certainly not an easy decision to make, especially considering the price. In western countries such as the US, Australia, or the UK, liposuction can cost well over USD $6,000. That’s enough to make just about anybody think twice. For many people, this operation is simply out of their budget, no matter how desperately they want it.

However, there is a solution. Each year, more and more people are setting their sights abroad to find affordable alternatives for plastic surgery. In Thailand, liposuction costs are cheap, making the treatment a much more realistic and attainable dream for thousands of patients!

How much can I save in Thailand?

In Thailand, you can expect to save some serious money on your cosmetic surgery bills. On average, the prices for any cosmetic procedure are approximately 70% lower than in most western countries. Also, it should be noted that you are not simply trading off quality or safety for lower prices. In many parts of the world, such as Asia or South America, operating costs, insurance fees, labour rates and business overheads are substantially lower, making it possible to offer the same high quality treatments for affordable prices.

What are the best clinics to visit?

If you’re looking for quality liposuction clinics in Thailand , check out these 5 recommendations from Medical Departures! These clinics are highly reputable and popular amongst foreigners. For more detailed information about each clinic, click on the links provided:




Yanhee Hospital

Bang-o, Bangkok, Thailand

Samitivej Hospital

Khlongtan Nua, Bangkok, Thailand

Nirunda Cellport Clinic

Sukhumvit, Bangkok, Thailand

Kamol Hospital

Wangthonglang, Bangkok, Thailand

Ktop Clinic

Khlongton, Bangkok, Thailand


What other procedures are available?

Liposuction is not the only cosmetic procedure being offered at a low rate by plastic surgeons in Thailand . With all the money you will save off the cost of your procedure, you may find yourself with some extra cash to make a few more upgrades that you hadn’t really considered. In addition to liposuction, these clinics also offer: facelifts, tummy tucks, sex reassignment, breast enlargement/reduction, rhinoplasty (nose jobs), butt implants, body lifts, laser skin rejuvenation, and much more.

How can I schedule an appointment?

Luckily for you, scheduling an appointment has never been easier. Just follow the links on our site, and we can book it for you! If you are having problems, or still have questions about Thailand, liposuction, cost of procedures, clinics or anything else, talk to one of our customer service agents on the toll-free number provided.