The Philippines is one of the top destinations in the world for reasonably-priced breast reduction hospitals, and Quezon City could well provide the solution you’ve been looking for.

The prohibitive cost of the procedure in most Western countries is forcing increasing women to seek out more affordable alternatives. Of these, heading abroad is often the most practical way to save thousands of dollars.

Quezon City, part of the greater Manila Metro area and the largest city in the Philippines, is regarded as the country’s hub for information technology and the centre of its entertainment industry. Plenty of sights and attractions will keep you entertained before, during and after your treatment, and the surgeons in Quezon City are among some of the finest doctors in the Philippines . All of this really makes the city the ideal destination for your breast reduction procedure and recovery.

Below, we have compiled a few helpful tips to ensure that you get the most out of your medical travel experience in Quezon City:

1) Maximize Your Value for Money

First up, let’s talk about breast reduction price. Quezon City is difficult to beat when it comes to costs, and the savings can run into thousands of dollars compared to what you may be charged at home.

Country Price in Quezon Domestic Cost

Australia AUD $4,275 AUD $14,430

New Zealand NZD $4,733 NZD $15,980

United States USD $3,239 USD $10,934

Canada CAD $4,169 CAD $14,075

United Kingdom GBP £2,407 GBP £8,125

Europe EUR €2,728 EUR €9,208

These figures are based on average prices and may vary from clinic to clinic. However, as you can see, it’s not unrealistic to expect savings of up to 70% on the cost of your operation, leaving you with more than enough money to cover travel and accommodation expenses—and still return home with cash to spare!

2) Research Potential Surgeons Before Committing

Undergoing a breast reduction in the Philippines is no riskier than getting the procedure in your own country—provided you locate the right surgeon and clinic. And just as you wouldn’t go under the knife back home without researching the surgeon first, the same applies to booking your treatment in Quezon City.

Always check your doctor’s qualifications to ensure they are legitimate and up to international standards, and review their resume to verify their track record and previous experiences. Another useful guideline in assessing a doctor’s ability is to look for affiliations and memberships with globally-recognized medical organizations, such as the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS).

3) Find the Clinic That’s Right for You

There are numerous breast reduction clinics and hospitals in Quezon City to choose from; make sure you pick one with a solid international reputation in terms of delivering top quality treatments and results.

The Loh Institute Plastic Surgery is one such facility. The clinic founded by Dr. Laurence T. Loh, the national secretary for the prestigious Philippine Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons , Inc. (Papras) and a member the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ISAPS).

The modern facility is furnished with the latest equipment and technologies, and only board-certified plastic surgeons are used to carry out each medical procedure. To ensure that you get an appointment, it’s recommended that you pre-book your treatment as early possible to avoid disappointment!

If you have any further questions regarding breast reduction facilities, Quezon City, treatment prices or booking information, contact our Customer Care Team today who will be happy to provide further assistance.


Breast Reduction Surgery: Overview. Mayo Clinic Staff. Mayo Clinic. 14 November 2018.

International Society of Plastic Surgery.