Breast augmentation is not just a science but also an art. No two women can have the same body which is why every woman needs to be sure about her needs and preferences before undergoing the procedure. The expertise of your doctor, the resources available to support the procedure as well as the price are important for your breast implant. Mexico is a destination you may want to consider, if it’s too expensive at home.

You will have to choose the type of implants as well as the size. You should consider your body shape before popping those double D's. Petite women end up looking weird if their chest is out of proportion. Regardless of the decision, one of the most important factors is where you are getting the surgery done.

If you choose to have the breast implant surgery done in Mexico, here’s some breast implant clinics you may want to consider:

a) Marroquin and Sandoval

This clinic is renown in providing quality plastic and cosmetic surgery. It has received board certification to offer specialist services in these areas. The hopes and aspirations of each and every patient are held highly at this clinic. Therefore, this is the place to be for every person who wants quality breast implants.

b) Juan Gordillo

Dr. Juan has spent a considerable time working in the cosmetic and plastic surgery field. He has perfected the art of breast implant surgery thanks to the rigorous training he has undergone and also working with experts in the field.

This hospital has everything that is needed for a successful breast implant surgery ranging from cutting edge technology and strong support staff team to highly qualified breast implants surgeons.

c) Hospital Hispano Americano

This is one of the best plastic and cosmetic specialist centers in Mexicali. Despite being a luxurious hospital, the breast implants cost is quite affordable. Ample breasts are considered important when it comes to self-confidence in women. Hospital Hispano Americano is dedicated to ensuring everyone gets the cleavage she desires in order to feel comfortable in her skin without draining the bank account.

d) Dr. Maurice Aceves

Dr. Maurice is an energetic person who always has a smile for everyone. He has a way of making everyone he interacts with feel comfortable and relaxed. This has contributed immensely to his ratings going high among the clients he has served and the general public.

Dr. Maurice Aceves is always ready to listen to what the various women who come to him for breast implants have in mind. After getting all the details, he will offer sound advice on the best way to proceed.

e) Dr. Allan Ceballos Pressler

According to breast implants reviews from people who have been treated by Dr. Allan, he is one of the most sought after breast implant surgeon in the world. He does an impressive work without charging highly.


You will pay USD 3,787( NZ $ 5045, UK £ 2884, CAN $ 4720, AUD $ 4742 ) for breast implantation in Mexico compared to USD 10,995( NZ $ 14,648, UK £ 8375, CAN $ 13705, AUD $ 13768) in the US.

There are a lot of myths surrounding breast implants. Mexico has become a favorite medical destination for people seeking this service. Here, you will get clear information from experts in the field concerning what is true and what is false in breast implants. Before and after the procedure, you will be advised accordingly on what to do for the best outcome. Additionally, Mexico has the most attractive breast implant cost, so check out our listings and book your appointment.