Bariatric surgery is a general term for all types of weight loss surgeries. It is the best solution for obese patients who have not managed to shed considerable weight through dieting or exercising. Obesity comes with comorbidities and a quick solution is required in such cases to restore health and well being. Of all bariatric surgery clinics, Tijuana has the best.

To note is that this is a major surgery and extensive care is required post-operation. Therefore, anyone undergoing this procedure far from home is required to make arrangements prior to avoid unnecessary stress after the surgery. However, many bariatric surgery clinics in Tijuana will help you make the necessary plans.

The 3 popular forms of weight-loss surgery according to bariatric surgery review are:

a) Gastric Bypass

In this type, the stomach is divided to give a small pouch on the upper part. This is then joined to the last segment of the small intestines. The larger part of the stomach and small intestines is bypassed to reduce the amount of food eaten, digested and absorbed.

b) Sleeve gastrectomy

This involves total removal of a segment of the stomach. This cannot be reversed. The outcome is a smaller stomach where satiety will be reached after eating a small amount of food.

c) Gastric band

This involves reduction of the stomach size using an adjustable band.

The choice of the operation to undergo will depend on individual characteristics and the outcome you want. However, the clinics you should prioritize in Tijuana are:

a) Advanced Health Medical Center

This is a premier clinic located in Tijuana. It offers high quality medical and surgical services mainly to international clients. The clinic is located in Zona Rio in a modern building which has 24-hour CCTV surveillance. The medical center is just 20 minutes drive from San Diego and 5 minutes from the US-Mexico border.

At Advanced Health Medical Center , your comfort, health, and safety needs will be addressed precisely. The rooms are airy, large and comfortable to ensure you feel at ease. With a relaxed mind, recovery will be quick. However, this does not raise the bariatric surgery cost.

b) Dr. Ismael Jonathan Vazquez Bailon

Dr. Ismael is a specialist in weight loss surgery. He is also a specialist in obesity management and diabetes. With his team of highly qualified professionals, he will complete a comprehensive assessment before advising you on the best course of action.

Dr. Vazquez has been doing bariatric surgeries for the last 10 years. He graduated as a general surgeon and went ahead to specialize in metabolic, endoscopic and bariatric surgery. Besides completing bariatric surgical procedures, he also offers non-surgical treatments in managing metabolic disorders and obesity.

Prices for Bariatric Surgery in Tijuana for medical tourists

Bariatric surgery cost is as low as USD 4, 250 in Tijuana, Mexico (UK £ 3253, CAN $ 5378, AUD $ 5433). The same procedure will cost you AUD $ 18,000 in Australia ( USD $ 14,080 UK £ 10779, CAN $ 17,819)

Being obese comes with a ton of problems. The self-esteem issues can lead to depression while the co-morbidities can lead your health status on a roller coaster towards dangerous extremes. Therefore, choose to take action before the situation deteriorates beyond saving. There are many bariatric surgery clinics. Tijuana will serve you well if you do not want to waste time in looking for reputable bariatric surgery clinics that do not charge insane prices.