Looking great and feeling great are the two most important aspects of moving forward in life. It really comes down to personal confidence and anything that can give us that ‘edge’ or confidence is ultimately a good thing. Do you have a bit too much weight around the midriff and can’t squeeze into your favorite clothes? Do you have limited time to exercise due to your work schedule, or have issues that stop you losing weight? A Tummy Tuck in Phuket could be the answer to all your problems and could be the main factor to rebuilding your confidence.

What is a Tummy Tuck?

We have all heard about tummy tucks before, but how many of you actually know the ins-and-outs of the procedure or how it could benefit you? That’s why you are reading this article right now. As the Phuket medical tourism scene evolves and becomes more accessible, visiting Phuket for a tummy tuck or other cosmetic procedures is the way forward in terms of quality, reliability and affordability.

Otherwise known as an abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck is a cosmetic procedure that is geared to removing excess skin and fat, which will give you that flat stomach you desire. It’s easy to say, ‘do some exercise if you want to lose weight’, but that is just not possible with some people due to metabolisms and other issues.


A tummy tuck is achieved by cosmetic surgery procedures and can take 1-2 weeks before you can go back to work, and maybe even a month before you have fully-recovered, but there is no gain without pain. With so many great medical tourism options, a tummy tuck in Phuket is one of the best choices you have.

Is a Tummy Tuck Right for You?

To find out whether a tummy tuck in Phuket is right for you, there is lots of info on our website that will point you in the right direction. We would recommend that you take advantage of our Radiant Medical Phuket reviews to find out more details regarding Phuket’s best cosmetic clinics and practices.

A tummy tuck is an ideal procedure for those of you who want to shift that excess weight and have already tried dieting and exercise to no avail. A tummy tuck in Phuket is the perfect choice for older persons, those with genetic deficiencies, or after a pregnancy and/or to aid weight loss.

Why a Tummy Tuck in Phuket is the Perfect Choice

A tummy tuck in Phuket is the ideal option for those of you who are not only looking for amazing value for money when compared to the Western world prices but also want to enjoy the beautiful sub-tropical setting of Phuket for their recovery. In fact, a 2-week holiday for a tummy tuck in Phuket is still cheaper than the prices you would expect to pay at cosmetic clinics in Australia, New Zealand, America or Europe. 

Thailand is one of the cheapest places for a tummy tuck with prices costing approximately $3000, which is in stark comparison to $10,000 in the USA and even $3,500 in Mexico.

When you seek cosmetic treatments for a price that is right, a tummy tuck in Phuket really is one of the most competitive you will find in terms of price and quality. The Phuket medical tourism scene really is taking it to the next level, so don’t miss out on these great deals and check out our Phuket clinic listings for your tummy tuck.