Heading to Mexico for a well-earned holiday or perhaps money-saving medical trip? If time permits, getting a quality chemical peel to rejuvenate tired skin could make your trip even more worthwhile. Mexico is a popular vacation destination attracting tourists from around the world, particularly the U.S. and Canada. As the number of tourists has risen, many medical centers and cosmetic clinics have sprung up in recent years, offering affordable beauty treatments like these to medical tourists.

Quality of Medical Facilities

With increasing demand for high-quality medical infrastructure, Mexico’s medical facilities are now of top rank, using the latest technology and staffed by professional doctors. Many of them may have completed specialized training in Western countries and some are also board certified with international organizations.

Even the clinics in Mexico that only offer cosmetic treatments (as opposed to larger hospitals) are well appointed with English-speaking doctors. They are conversant with the use of modern devices and treatments, including non-surgical techniques like chemical peels.

The cost of treatments is much less expensive in Mexico because the cost of living is much lower than in North America . This fact has brought about a large influx of tourists seeking more affordable surgeries, cosmetic treatments and even tests and medications.

In terms of chemical peel prices, let’s take the resort city of Cancun as an example:


US $


UK £



NZ $

Mild/Moderate Chemical Peel Cost – Home







Mild/Moderate Chemical Peel Cost – Cancun







Clinics Offering Chemical Peel

Due to the wide choice of cosmetic clinics offering chemical peels in Cancun, finding the right one might seem a little daunting. Medical Departures has done your homework for you, quality-checking clinics and offering a best price guarantee. We also investigate the qualifications and affiliations of the doctors at each clinic, putting your safety and well-being first.

Two popular clinics in Cancun are:

  • Oneline Beauty Clinic – this clinic is headed by Dr. Gilberto Antonio Sanchez Rico who has a Masters in Aesthetics, Anti-Ageing and Regenerative Medicine. All kinds of cosmetic treatments, including chemical peels, are available at this clinic.

  • Sculpting Medicina Estetica – Dr. Gustavo Corral Arana is a specialist in aesthetic and anti-ageing medicine and is also an expert in areas like cryotherapy, body contouring, Botox and fillers, as well as various kinds of chemical peels.

You can book at any of these chemical peel clinics in Cancun for your procedure via Medical Departures.


Chemical Peels. Mayo Clinic. https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/chemical-peel/about/pac-20393473

How Much Does It Cost to LIve in Mexico? International Living. https://internationalliving.com/countries/mexico/cost-of-living-in-mexico/