So, as you can see, medical tourism is the perfect solution to the rising costs of medical treatments in the US and Canada. But, you might still have second thoughts about travelling to Dr. Sergio del Hoyo for bariatric procedures. To help you make an informed decision, here’s a look at five reasons this clinic is your best choice for sleeve gastrectomy , gastric bypass and other weight-loss procedures:

1. Amazingly Low Prices

At Dr. Sergio del Hoyo, cost of gastric procedures is low. In the US and Canada, the average cost of gastric bypass is USD $18,905 (CAD $23,590). In comparison, you can get the procedure for USD $6,500 (CAD $8,111) at Dr. Sergio del Hoyo. Cost of sleeve gastrectomy is also low. In the US and Canada, the procedure, on average, costs USD $10,606 (CAD $13,235), while at the clinic, you can get it for as low as USD $4,500 (CAD $5,615). In fact, at Dr. Sergio del Hoyo, plastic surgery is inexpensive, regardless of the treatment you opt for.

2. World-Class Facilities

The clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art technology. Plus, the medical team, led by Dr. del Hoyo is highly experienced and qualified. You can safely say that the facilities at this clinic are on par with the best clinics in the US and Canada. Even with the low prices, you don’t have to settle for low-quality cosmetic treatments. The clinic has been in operation since the turn of the decade, making it one of the most reliable ones around.

3. Range of Treatments

At Dr. Sergio del Hoyo, weight-loss treatments is their specialist area, so feel-free to talk to them about your particular circumstances and let them help you choose the best option for you.

4. Online Reviews

You can easily find online reviews for Dr. Sergio del Hoyo. Review the feedback from patients who have received weight-loss procedures at Dr. Sergio del Hoyo.

5. Vacation

Puerto Vallarta is a beautiful place to visit. You will have a great time exploring the sights and sounds of this location when you head to Dr. Sergio del Hoyo for bariatric surgery.

So, there you have it, 5 great reasons to head to this Puerto Vallarta-based clinic for bariatric surgery. Dr. Sergio del Hoyo delivers the winning combination of high quality and low price.